23 April, 2018  •  1 minute read

Hi, welcome to my blog

By Tilen Faganel

Hi! I'm Tilen and this is my blog. I’m a lead software engineer and consultant who specialises in designing Java and cloud-native (API) design. I plan, create and implement complex and robust software architectures for cloud and integration solutions that have helped numerous enterprises with developing advanced cloud-native solutions.

Here you'll find my personal thoughs, gripes, research and titbits regarding all things in Tech, Web and Software Engineering that pique my interest. I'll share stuff from quick thoughs to full blown tutorials and solutions that I encounter during my work and during my endavours on various open source projects. I'll also post about what I learn during my various adventures on any tech conferences or events that I stumble into when traveling around the world.

Posts are coming up shortly, so make sure to keep an eye out for those. Do check out my GitHub for my open source activities as well as check me out on other social media found throughout the blog.

This will be fun! Hop on and stay tuned! Cheers!